Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Back in the Saddle Again

So here I am. Back in the Cyberworld. Most of the friends I made back in the day have probably long forgotten about me, and I don't blame them. I've always struggled at maintaining friendships. I can't make any promises here, I can't be as cyber-active as I'd like. Too many kids, too much work, and not enough time.

Since I last posted, I had another baby. My daughter is 4 months old - so that is 3 kids I have now.

Yeah I'm still Muslim. I say that because it is a typical question one asks a convert. The usual assumption when a convert keeps quiet is that he/she left Islam. No, that is not the case with me.

If I'd rate my level of iman, though, I would say it is at an all-time low. There are various reason that contribute to this, but those are demons that I plan on battling through writing. I really don't know where else to turn to, since I've learned that I can't really turn to many people in my community. I hope to not come across as a whining, snivelling brat, either.

If anyone does happen to read this, I hope to receive any advice, criticism, or whatever.

What triggered me to come back to my blog? Recent events - some 19 year old Muslim kid planned on blowing up a Xmas tree lighting on Black Friday in Portland. It has left me with an unsettled feeling.

Which I'll discuss later. Gotta put the kids to bed..


iMuslimah said...

Jilbabble!!!! I never removed you from my "follow" list- I was hoping you would come back! You and o gave birth about the same time in 2008, mabrouk on your daughter! Guess what? I have a 3 month old bambina too! Hamdullah.

Inshallah you are well and I look forward to more updates!

Assalamu alaykum ;)

Barb Ess said...

Hi, Jilbabble. Good to see you posting again! I never took you off my follow list either, and you were always one of the ones who I wondered about (how you were doing!) when you stopped writing. Hope you are well.

Mumina said...

Asalaam alaikum! Yes on my blogger thingy you are still on my "follow" list too, and I check like once a month! So good to hear from you, congratulations on your newest addition alhumdulillah! @iMuslimah you have another one too?! Alhumduhlillah, mabrook! So happy for you sisters. x

jazain said...

i always wonder how you are and i never removed your blog in hopes that you returned and updated us and alhamdulillah here you are. congrats on your growing family!!

Ify said...

Jilbabble, salam! Was just re-reading some old posts and comments on my blog, happened upon one by you and your name instantly brought a smile to my face like an long lost friend. Hope you are well.